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Treehouse Genealogy

Share your Scottish Family History Stories for FREE with Kilted Ancestors

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

The Scots as a Nation were extremely mobile and the Ancestors of those Scots can be found all over the World.

At Treehouse Genealogy we have so much interaction with our Followers on Social Media relating to their Scottish Family Roots that we decided to come up with a way that everyone could share what they know about their Scottish Families.

Not everyone who follows us on Social Media actively researches their Family Tree, for some it is about learning more regarding Scottish History, Heritage, Traditions etc. But what is important is that no matter where they live their Scottish Roots are a part of them.

Research or no research we all know bits about the Family members who came before us, who they were, where they lived and all the interesting or funny stories that are told about them. Somewhere in the family there are photos of them, letters they wrote and mementos they left.

So, in light of this we decided to create ‘Kilted Ancestors’ a group that lets everyone share stories of their family be it recent or long past.

We would like anyone with Scottish Ancestry to share everything from Photographs, Stories, details of Artefacts, Letters, stories about where your Ancestors came from or anything else relating to your Scottish Roots.


You could even make it a family affair and get your whole family involved, what better way to ensure your family stories are passed on to future generations!


You can post anything, anytime, as the mood takes you. We will also create 'Monthly Themes' to help inspire you all to dig a bit further.

And the best part? It is all for FREE!

So how do you get involved with Kilted Ancestors?

You can sign-up to receive updates on 'Kilted Ancestors' and receive the 'Monthly Prompts' via the 'Kilted Ancestors' webpage

You can join our Private Facebook Group 'Kilted Ancestors - Share Stories about your Scottish Ancestry' so as not to miss a post.

Or, when you receive the Monthly Prompt via email you can create a post on Social Media (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.) sharing your story or photo relating to that particular topic (these are open to your own interpretation so go wild)....just be sure to use the hashtag (#KiltedAncestors) within your post so that others can find it, like it and perhaps even comment on it.

To follow #KiltedAncestors type the hashtag into your Social Media Search and select Follow, this means that you will then be able to see other people’s posts on your home feed and can interact with them. Who knows this may even help inspire your future posts!

You don't have to follow the Monthly Prompts and can post anything relating to your Scottish Roots whenever you want. You can post as much or little as you wish its entirely up to you.

Why not create a post now, share an image and tell us a bit about your Ancestry?

You never know you may even come across people with the same family connections!


At the end of each month we will select our Favourite posts & will highlight these with permission to help inspire you all….maybe yours will be featured!


Its time to get involved and share your Scottish Families past!


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